Yataş Group, the leading brand in the mattress industry, became one of the companies that successfully managed the pandemic process with the measures and sales strategies it took. “We are very hopeful for the next year,” said Yataş Group International Sales Assistant General Manager Onur Baykal, who stated that the export rate in the furniture sector has increased and they attached more importance on online sales.
Covid-19, which is almost at the center of our lives and changed the course of all social, societal and economic processes, enabled us to meet a new world order. In addition to masks, gloves and social distance measures, the work carried out in economic activities was also the most important step of the process.
During the pandemic period, there were changes especially in exports. Onur Baykal, Yataş Group, Assistant General Manager for International Sales, made the following evaluations regarding sales rates, export markets and all changes in the process:

“2019 was good for export in the whole furniture industry. This momentum continued in January and February; however, we saw that all markets were closed one by one from the middle of March due to the pandemic. Accordingly, the security stocks we reserved for export and some stocks waiting for our dealers had to be quickly converted to other channels. In addition, our subsidiaries and franchises that started to sell online during this period were relatively less affected. We supported those who were not ready to get started quickly.
The first months of 2020 showed us that multi and omnichannel strategies are indispensable issues for every country. With the month of August, demand started to pick up again. However, gaining the lost amounts of sales, especially in developed economies, seems difficult due to the effects of the pandemic. We are already very hopeful for the next year.”
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