The grievous Covid -19 epidemic that occurred in the world and in our country has greatly affected the retail and furniture industry. Tolga Batallı, Chairman of the Board of Armis Yatak, said that hygiene-themed washable padded mattresses and alezes became more prominent with the increase in the time spent at home with the pandemic, and added that they started online sales service.
During the Covid-19 outbreak, companies could not deliver the orders they had previously received, especially with the cessation of exports for a certain period. In this process, Armis Bed, which managed the process through online meetings and discussions, although it could not visit business partners with which it was physically cooperating, especially in the Middle East, Europe and Balkan countries, continued to plan in line with the requests received and expanded the number of countries it currently exports to, established and received new orders. Stating that their export markets and rates were positively affected, Tolga Batallı, Chairman of the Board of Armis Yatak, gave the following information about the measures and projects taken by his company during the pandemic process:

“During the pandemic process, we continued to keep our stocks up-to-date and complete, as always, thanks to our large storage areas, by working at full capacity without slowing down with the strict health measures taken in our factory. In this way, when the export ban was lifted, we ensured that all product requests we received were completed without any disruption or delay in our shipment phase. With this understanding, we continue our export activities without slowing down.
With the increase in the time spent at home with the pandemic, there was an intense demand for hygiene themed products as well as comfortable products. We saw that hygiene-themed washable padded beds and mattresses became more prominent. We anticipate that this demand will gradually increase. As Armis Mattress, we accelerated our R&D studies in order to expand our existing hygiene-themed product range in our product range. During the pandemic period, we also restructured the domestic market and opened our online sales channel, We ensured that people can access our products safely and quickly. ”
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